November 13, 2009

No. 11

We want to remember.
We want to keep our memories close.
We want to document.
We want to preserve.
We want to make sure that our children know who they are, where they came from, and how we lived and loved.

We want to remember, and that is why we have No. 11.

No. 11 is a way for us to document day to day pictures and events, with few words, lots of feeling, and many, many pictures.

We hope to show and remember our love for life with No. 11.

Why No. 11?

Six months after we were married, our first home was listed under unit No. 11. Our very first house warming gift was from Whit's parents, it was a brass number eleven to hang on our front door.

With so many memories already in our little home, We don't want to forget the new memories that are being made, and the day to day things that happen, lessons we learn, feelings we feel, and love that is being shared.

We want to remember.